Levels 1 to 4 have been added. I will add some transitions between levels and other enhancements soon.

I changed the Car to a Jeep since it better matches the theme of the game. Still searching for a good name. Let me know in the comments below.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • WASD or Arrow keys for moving
  • Space bar to jump
  • E or F to flip left
  • Q or G to flip right
  • R to reset

On screen controls have multiple uses:

  1. Right and left arrow keys steer the car while on ground but "strafe" the car while in air
  2. Double tapping right or left arrow keys allows you to flip a 90 degree turn quickly.
  3. Tapping the jump button once performs a in-place jump
  4. Tapping the jump button a second time while in air, gives it a higher jump + a forward dash.
  5. Forward and back buttons work as expected
  6. Checkpoints allow to reset when falling down from map


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pretty underrated game. good job mate!